we are not the greatest bar in the world,
just the greatest bar for the world
A Brief History
Founder Matt Holt first conceived of The Non-Profit Bar during his travels through Germany back in 2011 while (you guessed it!) drinking beer with his friends. After having spent a significant amount of time abroad throughout Europe and Asia and seeing areas of need around the world, Matt was moved to start an organization that is centered around his three favorite things: spending time with great friends, drinking quality beer, and making a significant, positive impact on the world. Thus, The Non-Profit Bar was born.
Modeled after Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus' theory of social business, The Non-Profit Bar's success will be rated not on the amount of profits generated, but on the amount of good it does for society. Through demonstrating the success of our social business, we hope others will take risks and do the same.
Our Mission
The mission of The Non-Profit Bar is not to become the greatest bar in the world, but instead to become the greatest bar for the world. Our mission is to bring communities together to educate potential supporters on the inspirational work of non-profits and to raise funds for underfunded non-profit organizations, on a local, national, and global level.
Above: Matt during his time living in Vietnam
our structure
The Non Profit Bar is the moniker we use for our hybrid concept of two organizations we established: a for-profit business and a non-profit organization (The NPBar, Inc and the NPB Foundation). The NPBar, Inc acts as a for-profit business does with competitive prices, excellent service, and great atmosphere; however, our sole focus is to donate all the profits we generate each month to the NPB Foundation, which is a registered non-profit organization (and has filed for its 501(c)(3) status). It is then the NPB Foundation that will donate its received donations to the charity of the month. The NPB Foundation has no staff and is made up entirely of volunteers on its board of directors to ensure its expenses are at a bare minimum so that donations go to the non-profits that need it most.
Donate $1,000,000 to charities in the first decade of operations
Through The Non-Profit Bar's relaxing and social atmosphere, create a community of people that want to both make a difference AND enjoy their night out
Highlight organizations and charities each month so that people can become more aware of these causes and can get involved, either directly with the organizations or through their patronage at The NPB
Build relationships with amazing partners that share a commitment to making the world better
Keep operational costs low, so that donations are always high
"This is the greatest idea I have ever heard!" - Matt's mom